Promoting university’s identity with wikipedia and wikimedia

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The purpose of this idea is using Wikipedia and Wikimedia to strengthen the university’s identity among the community of the Centro Unversitario de la Costa. Currently there are no references or images in any of these collaborative media, so it is intended to build this space with the support of professors, students, staff and university authorities.

Creating this space will allow us to share information about our campus, and at the same time, reinforce the sense of belonging of our students and other members of the university community, and even of the Vallarta community.

Shared by: Team 13
Image Credit: Http://

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  1. Sandra Cobián

    I love the idea of the community collaborating to strength the University´s identity :D. Identity is about knowing that we came from and we are part of all the people and things that suround us, that make us take care about it, because we know they are part of us. So, keep working on that and let know the students that the great value of México and Puerto Vallarta and its people should be known for all the people in the world 🙂

  2. @tanbob

    You have provided a very good example here: you found a gap in wikipedia and Wikimedia, and you propose an idea for how to address the gap, and why it is important to this.

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