Advancing U de G with open. Team 14

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We propose the University of Guadalajara uses WorldPress and H5P for more and better open courses.
A very important part of the strategy, must be spread the training for profesors, so they will be able to teach better to our students.
This proposal must include institutional policies for safe and responsable use of open technologies.
The institution also must include the use of open technologies transversely along the curriculum.
Professors are digital migrants and most of them do not have the basic skills or knowledge about open education and open resources or even about networking.
This must be implemented by the academic and technology areas working together. Both areas depend on the Vicerrectoria.
On of the challenges certainly will be the heterogeneity of our teachers community.
Also it is necessary a stronger technological infrastucture, and a wider band.

Shared by: @fadesav
Image Credit: Fabiola de Santos

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1 Comment

  1. Melanie Meyers

    I see you all having an important role to play in making this kind of project a reality. Sharing your knowledge your have gained through Mural UDG with your colleagues is such an important piece of ensuring that open has a place at UDG. You have identified that collaboration and institutional support is necessary to make this happen which are important points. Perhaps also think about how open technology itself can help in the dissemination of information and knowledge to your colleagues.

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