Team 18. Open technologies UdG: Enrich Moodle

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Moodle should keep in use by UdG as a tool for education, but should be strengthen with plug ins and other open resources to improve our teaching and learning. This platform addresses not only the needs for each course taught at udg but provides safety and privacy to all users – professors and students.

This is needed because students and professors have been reluctant to use it, even though it has proven an excellent tool for sharing openly (within class) materials and resources of courses. But can be a better tool if we add resources that are open and very educational, while at the same time keep our data and information safe and private.

This technology is held by the coordination of information technologies within the institution

The main problem with this platform is that some professors and students are unfamiliar with its use and contents, are unaware of its advantages. Courses on. It’s use have been taught many times, but seems is not sufficient to get people involved. A new strategy should be designed and applied in order to make people adopt it. Another reason it’s difficult is because of this lack of knowledge, people don’t support it and having authorities to make moodle compatible with open education resources has turned out a very difficult obstacle.

Shared by: Team 18
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1 Comment

  1. Brian Lamb

    I like the potential of this proposal, as it is something I am trying to do at my own university. There are many things that can be done to improve Moodle, and it would be exciting to see the learning community at UdG make an effort to use this system to its full advantages.

    I think this proposal could be strengthened in at least two ways. One, some sort of reference to what specific improvements could be made. Training resources? If so, what is an example of training that is needed (and that people would want)? Better plugins such as at ? — if so, maybe a reference to one or two that would be useful? (Maybe the H5P plugin?)

    The second improvement to the proposal would be some idea of who might be involved in the improvement of Moodle. In my experience, if it is left up to technology people (like me), without the involvement of instructors, the changes will not be the ones that are needed. How could the ideas of professors or students be involved?

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