Team 6: Critical analysis of the security of social networks that we use in class.

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It is important to check if these selected networks are the best option for what is intended to work on them that does not represent a risk for those involved.

Collect information on security or lack thereof in the media used in reliable publications.
Get information from current users of our network: cases, consequences and possible risks to evaluate their change or implementation of security measures.

Recently attacks and the invasion of privacy have been reported with unpleasant or dangerous consequences as a result of the unforeseen use of technological means. It is necessary to start disseminating the possible risks to which users of the network are exposed and to implement security measures to protect our users.

Get technology experts for to advise us with tools, new apps and TIC’s proposals in order to promote the use of the better options and, on the other hand, to advise us on digital security measures.

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1 Comment

  1. Alan Levine

    This is is a worthy idea although what is being measured in terms of risk is vague. There is no easy way to declare an overall risk level for a social media service; it varies with individual levels of use and activities in the system.

    It would to be more specific in terms of risk (tracking data collected, potential for spoofing, etc). What might help is some suggestion for security audit tools that faculty students could run, and some way of pooling or aggregating the results.

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