Team 5: MOOC de finanzas básicas.

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Propuesta de un MOOC de finanzas básicas orientado al manejo del software Tempomatic (simulador de negocios). Los productos resultantes del curso estarán dirigidos a establecer empresas comprometidas con el desarrollo sostenible y la perspectiva de género en la región del estudiante.

Shared by: María de Jesús Escoto Rodríguez @jessescoto22, Alma Jiménez Padilla @almaazucenajipa, Oscar Carbajal Mariscal @chernets
Image Credit: Oscar Carbajal Mariscal

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1 Comment

  1. Alan Levine

    A course that results in creation of civic-minded companies / organizations can be a level 2 or 3 idea once you have filled in the extra details tomorrow. Who would be involved a participants (not just students), but what other orgnizations would make sense to work with (perhaps one from the OER map) — can this be a partnership with people outside of Mexico?

    If not already, looks into a number of other MOOCs aimed at design of sustainable cities

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