Team 23 Open Research Protocol UdG

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A constant problem is that students do not know how to carry out research protocols. They demand from teachers the unification of criteria, they have doubts about how it is done, what is useful for them and what their significance is. This Project will use the platforms WordPress, Hypotesis, Wikipedia, among others. Teachers will be invited to teach the subjects of methodology (quantitative and qualitative), statistics and other disciplines (depending on the area), as well as department heads and academy presidents, committees of institutions that finance or require research as an entry requirement or titling and that have research protocols, in order to unify criteria. This will allow, in a second stage, to have a protocol bank, better explain the elements that compose them, clarify doubts to students, and raise awareness about the importance of planning research in their academic and professional training. This stage will seek to have the participation of authors in the discussion of their own articles to interact with the students and the teacher of each subject.

Shared by: Anonymous
Image Credit: @mariafigueroaj @sulbaran_belkis @doctorterapias @serchr

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  1. Diego Ramos

    This could be a very useful open resource – here are a few suggestions to consider:

    1. Are you able to locate research protocols from other institutions/countries to help you inform your criteria?

    2. Do you need WordPress + Hypothesis + Wikipedia? Are there features you need is all of these, or might one or two of these technologies meet your needs? I think could be a useful way to involve department heads, academy presidents, and committees in the review and feedback of the protocols without needing them to contribute directly to the authoring.

  2. Diego Ramos

    We greatly appreciate the questions you asked us and the suggestions, we worked on this and in the final challenge we took it into account to improve it.

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