Questions for Paul Stacey about “Think Global, Act Global”
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Post your questions or comments here during and after the Conversation with Paul Stacey
Gaby Lamas 9:29 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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¿Qué retos vienen para la Educación Abierta?
Teresa Limon 2:14 am on March 9, 2018 Permalink |
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I think that in Mexico, there is so much to do in open education, but at least we are clear about the necesity or using open resources
Laura Aguilar 9:32 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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¿Cómo imagina un mundo ideal de educación abierta?
Diane 9:34 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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Como dar a conocer los recursos abiertos en comunidades pequeñas o aisladas, para potenciar y empoderar a esas comunidades.
Griselda Aréchiga Guzmán 9:35 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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Que estrategias aplican para combatir la resistencia de algunos profesores con respecto a la educación abierta?
Melchor 9:35 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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Los estudiantes en forma general no están socializados con la educación abierta ¿qué haremos al respecto?
Faviola Castillo 9:36 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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There is still a strong gap where Professors don’t want to, or afraid of changing the classical view of closed education, who are not willing to adopt this approach. How you close this gap?
Luisfher 9:36 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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What would be the baby steps to promote open education in a closed university center?
Miroslava 9:38 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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In Mexico there is a gap between teachers of the 20th century, 21 students and infrastructure. From the 19 s.
¿Can open education reduce that educational gap?
Laura 9:40 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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open education is intimately linked to the use of technology, however in Mexico there are communities and individuals who do not have access to technology yet, and this often depends on political will, how to deal with this situation in order to advance in the implementation of the open education?
ElmoreGuevara 9:44 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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Why the open education do not appear like Millenium Objectives of UNO
ElmoreGuevara 9:45 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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What TYPE of IMORTANT change requires the public policy in Education (Government) to be able to access and understand in order to act in an ideal open world,
Gerardo Varela 9:49 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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How to overcome the tight copyright policies of corporate universities?
Angelina Vallín 10:08 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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En Internet hay miles de recursos educativos con contenidos que provienen de fuentes no confiables, ¿cómo identificar fácilmente los recursos educativos abiertos confiables?
Rosalinda Torres 10:18 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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Me parece muy interesante que se haya reconocido que hay muchos medios abiertos pero que no se conectan entre si. Esto hace que el trabajo de interconectividad todavia es arduo.
belkis 3:11 am on March 9, 2018 Permalink |
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Que interesante saber que existen tantos medios abiertos y que no se usan por desconocimiento
Cristina CUCBA 7:39 am on March 9, 2018 Permalink |
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Fue muy enriquecedor, espero que cada día se integren mayor número de investigadores a la colaboración de proyectos conjuntos y reutilicemos más recursos en espacios abiertos
Eduardo Quintana 8:39 am on March 9, 2018 Permalink |
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Paul nos ha reforzado la idea de qué hay que buscar recursos abiertos que puedan reforzar nuestra labor docente. Su organización cumple con una labor altruista al poner el cocimiento abierto a tod@s los que quieran aprehender más. Para él, cobrar o restringir el acceso a las personas baja la calidad de la educación abierta. Así que me llevo la idea de Paul de crear una comunidad, es decir, compartir y colaborar con otr@s más allá del aula y docencia tradicional. También el experimentar para poder acoplar el recurso enseñanza-aprendizaje. No seguir trabajando de manera aislada sino ahora de manera cooperativa sin miedo a los pares y aprender a colaborar con el resto del mundo.
Miriam Susana Medina L. 11:06 am on March 9, 2018 Permalink |
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I Think that the oppened education is interesting now that I was learning each day …I had other critical view… There are many openned resouces that we will used to be better the education in Mexico.
Aristóteles Dávila 3:27 pm on March 9, 2018 Permalink |
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On the other hand, this new level completes the perspective of the application of the web apps, beyond the point of only their application, we arrived to his validation and analysis