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  • Brian Lamb 9:32 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    What is one thing you can do to make the online experience more safe for students? 

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    Based on your group discussions, share your best idea in as much detail as possible? You may refer to resources listed for today’s topic presentation.

    • Romy Hernandez 9:39 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Equipo/ Team 1 SEMS. As a team we believe that the main thing is that as teachers we must first have the ability to safeguard our data, to transmit to our students how to do it, applying the use of tools that help facilitate tasks and make the passwords that use complex Our students.

    • Faby Castillo 9:44 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Equipo 25.
      As a prevention, we can encourage students to review the privacy settings of their different accounts on social networks and other tools with which they share information.

    • Laura Aguilar 9:47 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      First of all, the students have to know that there is a risk of information theft, así them to change their password often, , and recomend the use of licenses as creative commons

    • Agustin Martinez 9:47 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      A good idea about security is always to keep this phrase in mind: “If the service is free (Facebook, Twitter, Google) it is possibly because you are the product they are offering”.

    • Israel Huerta 9:49 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      We can use resources out and into the classroom. Maybe not technology, but knowing how to use my personal information

    • Gaby Lamas 9:50 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Consideramos importante que un primer paso es hacer conscientes a los estudiantes a manera de prevención de los riesgos del uso de su información personal. Mostrarles evidencias con base en notas reales, videos y artículos. Y particularizar en los videos en los que se muestran tutoriales algunas guías de protección de datos. Dar un “me gusta”, un “compartir” o resolver retos es ceder datos personales.

      • Gaby Lamas 9:52 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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        TEAM 20

    • Diego Ramos 9:52 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      for give to know the insecurity in internet the first that we would is: form team where analyzed a case, comment among the members of team, the present to the group and concludes. @liliaggs21, @irengs9, @guilleljim, @fmorafcarm

    • Laura 9:55 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      First inform students of the possible dangers that exist when browsing the internet,
      Ensure that they understand the risks and emphasize that they should reflect and evaluate the convenience of other people knowing their information and the risks that this represents, if they share personal information. Promote good practices of use of information. Last write a series of recommendations for students in the platforms where they have access to our courses.

    • Irispc 9:56 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Team 13.

      We suggest implement a basic course or workshop, preferably mandatory, about “Technological Education”. In this course we can start the process of awareness, technological literacy, ethical aspects in the use of information, security aspects, applications for prevention.

      We consider that one of the main problems is that users are unaware of many aspects about the use and management of technological tools, as well as the implications and risks of using it.

    • Laura Alfaro 9:58 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Equipo 11. Un aspecto que consideramos importante es informar a los alumnos sobre las implicaciones que tiene el uso de datos en Facebook, por lo que la propuesta es recabar información sobre ¿a donde van los datos que introduces a facebook? Y hacerla llegar a los estudiantes para que estén concientes del tipo de información que publican.
      Otra propuesta está orientada a implementar un sistema operativo con restricciones de acceso para miembros de la comunidad universitaria que permita proteger los datos que se generen dentro del sistema.

    • Oscar Carbajal 10:01 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Tal vez nuestra generación sea más cuidadosa en el manejo de los datos personales en la Internet, por lo que nuestra sugerencia es que fomentemos entre los jóvenes la autoprotección y el desarrollo de estrategias para proteger sus datos personales. También concluimos que aunque estos cursos han sido sobre tecnología y recursos abiertos, hay que mantener contextos cerrados para determinadas actividades, por ejemplo a través de las plataformas como Moodle.

    • Team 24 10:01 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      TEAM 24
      We are proposed to the student know the advantages and the disadvantages of using the internet and technology, to make known tools, platforms and personal measures of computer security.
      @marisolluna1980, @j_ignacio123, @betsamunoz, @o83976466

    • Melchor 10:01 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Manejamos en el equipo que la seguridad en el uso de internet nunca será del todo privada ya que desde el momento en que estamos abiertos a utilizar las redes sociales, webs, Facebook entre otras tantas herramientas y sitios quedamos expuestos a que la información sea pública, porque existen muchas formas de llegar a ella un caso es el uso de Google “San Google”, es que puedes buscar a cualquier persona y ahi esta la información de ella.
      Aunque abras grupos cerrados quedamos expuestos a que nuestra información sea liberada, siempre es importante informarles a nuestros estudiantes de esto, que el uso no es cerrado, aunque así lo dispongamos nosotros…..

    • Luz Machaen 10:03 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Among the proposals that were mentioned is highlighted,
      Recommend to students:

      Review very well the platforms, applications or web pages where we provide our data as a registration requirement.

      Be careful with the information that we upload to the network, because it becomes public and it can be used in a very negative way.

    • Rosalinda Torres 10:08 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Equipo 22: Proponemos informar los aspectos positivos y negativos del uso de internet, para sendibilizar la búsqueda de navegación en la web en forma más segura.

    • Diego Ramos 10:10 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Equipo 5 Crear conciencia y una cultura de prevención en los estudiantes, en cuanto al cuidado de sus datos personales.

      Por parte de la SEP, crear estrategias que genere una cultura de educación tecnológica desde nivel básico.

    • Miroslava 10:11 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Equipo 16
      Palabras clave : Encriptar información
      Concientizacion respecto a los alcances de compartir información en redes sociales y otras plataformas.
      Pero , ¿ hablamos de software libre , de educación abierta.? , y poner estos límites es contradictorio, necesario si; pero es un tema que debe ser abordado.

    • Aristóteles Dávila 10:23 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      I suggest use good habits in use of technologies of information and keep their eyes wide open trough the inmensity of the internet

    • Javier Cruz 10:31 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Team 17

      Utilizar mesura en la manera de compartir información tanto personal como académica o profesional en redes sociales, aplicacione, cursos en línea.
      Darse a la tarea de revisar qué programas nos apoyan para detectar espionaje cibernético.
      Solicitar que las entidades públicas ofrezcan protocolos de seguridad que garanticen la protección de todo tipo de información compartida en ámbito virtuales (ya sea personal, laboral, o professional) para evitar el uso inadecuado de la misma.
      Que la Universidad establezca mediante su código de ética convenios con las empresas que prestan el servicio sobre tecnologías de la información para que sea posible la existencia de idoneidad tanto en la contratación como el servicio de la protección y seguridad de los datos originados en el trabajo académico.

    • Sergio Ruiz 10:31 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Team 23
      We consider that students need to be sensitized in the use of passwords that are safe and difficult to decipher, as well as the security of sharing information generated from reliable sources, protecting the author’s data.
      @mariafigueroaj @serchr, @belkis @doctorterapias

    • Lotzy Beatriz Fonseca Chiu 11:18 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Definir y diseñar estrategias de aprendizaje pensando en las posibilidades que ofrece internet, pero pensando tambien en la seguridad de los que participan en las actividades

    • Auria Lucia Jimenez Gutierrez 11:56 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Team 19.

      Our proposal is to create a site where security information is provided.

      Videos, manuals, brochures with information on how to protect your data.
      Raise awareness about the use and habits of use
      Show data on how companies take your information and the use they give it
      Recommendations on the use of plugins for their protection
      Be more careful with the information you provide when signing up somewhere, use of apps, etc.

    • Rosa Rosales 12:15 am on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      One of the teachers can invite them to open pages as incognito, delete their histories when they visit pages, do not enter personal data in unsafe pages, etc.

    • Teresa Limon 12:43 am on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Its a fact that exists inminent risk when you use the webside, also its imposible not to use it; so students and ourselves must be concious about protecting our information: change password often, nor to use the same password , and use a safe navigator as ¨ duck. com where you dont create serching historial.

    • Katia MV 2:39 am on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Talk with students to show them the risks and give them recommendations such as:
      Take care of your personal data, that is, not publish them, do not give them to all the surveys, applications or pages that request them; from a non-owned team they must use the incognito mode to surf the internet, use secure pages, install antivirus, check the reliability of the pages when searching.

    • Jose Luis Chavez 4:20 am on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      What can be done to make the online experience safer for students?
      Firstly, what I would do would be a preliminary diagnostic session to find out how much my students know about Internet security.

      I would take the time to present in a presentation a summary of the risks that you have when you enter the Internet on unsafe sites, using very short or easy to guess keys, entering sensitive information on untrustworthy sites.
      Finally, I would conduct a debate with the experiences that have been had and awareness talks to be very careful and prevent a critical case of vulnerability.

      Thank you,

    • Marlon Omar Navarro Torres 4:29 am on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Implement a code of ethics regarding the use of information, in addition to conform to a culture of the legality of the flow of information.

    • Marlon Omar Navarro Torres 4:33 am on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      1) Proposal: What should be done and who would use it?
      I believe that the university has a use, and good use of open resources, such is the case that it already uses a platform such as Moodle, however, the platform seems reduced with respect to the spectrum of school activity itself. Due to the aforementioned, in addition to using platforms such as WordPress, H5P, etc., a training should be done in software that the university designs and allows its free use, not only to the educational sector but also to the social sector. This software would be based on two members, a) the technical specialist for the development of a language that is licensed by the university, be it the one that allows its content and, b) the academic from whom the configurative needs of said software are fed. We could not give a greater description for non-specialization in subsection “a”.

      2) Justification: Why is the idea relevant and what gaps do you see?
      The teaching and student work could be undermined by the hackers of the network, there is no clear norm regarding the use of the innovative products of teachers and students. It is an urgency to protect the intellectual production of the aforementioned elements.

      3) Implementation: Where would the technology reside and who would support it?
      I consider that each university center would have a physical space to house the computers, a space for software developers (technicians) and an academic committee that supervises the elements to enter the elements to work, adaptation of the academic needs with the techniques and the part legal protection of the intellectual production of their school community and supervising that it is used properly and under the law.

      4) Challenges: What would be the complicated to carry out such technology?
      Achieve budget items, the availability of the legal area and an academic committee that has immediate agreements. It would be the same school community that would provide feedback to their production, share it with their peers for an improvement of the free production of school production and, they would force to carry a code of ethics with respect to production, distribution, disclosure, legalization and, continuous action of a code of ethics regarding the production of school ideas in free software.

    • Lilia Gomez 1:28 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      campaign of videos and multimedia products on Internet security, preventive and corrective measures, aimed at university students, which will be published in the portals and social networks of each center. Tema #21 @liliaggs, @guilleljim, @irengs9

    • ElmoreGuevara 2:52 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      What action will I carry out so that the practices of my students in the net are safer?
      Knowing how to license and favor licensed readings (Creative Commons)
      . Continuous change of passwords and more structured
      . There is a real risk of the theft and plagiarism of online information
      . It’s real, there are consequences of that malpractice
      . There are free resources to reduce the impact from a personal level and even from the educational institution itself.
      . Use formal technological resources (within the informality that assumes the term of open there are formal processes).
      . Execute ethically correct actions as an example with students, citation, use of images, etc.
      . The professor must carry out consistent actions in the revision of these actions.

    • Penélope Herrera 3:13 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      The first thing is to make them aware of the risks, it necesary to assess the benefits also, put it on a scale, then starting with the email accounts,twitter user,any social network or plataform that is for academic use only,emphasize it!

    • Sarahi Quintero 3:18 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Team 14 – We think that there are several ways to improve safety, like changing passwords every once in a while and never using the same one for all the pages, also, using a ad blocker. Aditionally, we recommend that the person online needs to be careful to what info he shares and trying to not connect in public spaces.

    • Gaby Limon 3:25 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      One very important thing is to create conscious in our students the things they share on their social media. And to remind them to be careful with their passwords while using OER tools.

    • Fabiola de Santos Avila 4:17 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      I Think a very important thing to do is provide information about risks and protecting behaviors. Also we can provide them options of secure pages and platforms.

    • Sara Cruz 9:43 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Debemos orientarlos pa a que sean más conscientes de la información que manejan y comparten en internet. Hay que prestar mucha atención a dónde y a quién envian nuestros datos personales. En Internet pueden registrarse en páginas para recibir noticias, entrar en los foros y otras acciones que piden datos personales. En estos casos, antes de enviarlos, deben leer detenidamente las condiciones de uso de la página y su política de privacidad, para saber qué pueden hacer con sus datos.

    • Miriam Susana Medina L. 11:13 am on March 9, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      I Think that this kind of things will be vulnerable to everyody because al of us are in risk to use our information in bad things. We will be take it in serius to be it more safety…

  • Brian Lamb 5:52 pm on February 2, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    [Open Technology] What is your awareness, experience of open technologies? 

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    What do you know about open source technologies? Is it just free software or more? What open technology tools do you currently use, if any?

    • Natividad Ahumada Rodriguez 3:25 am on February 22, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Hola buena noche, mi experiencia sobre código abierto se base en el uso de plataformas educativas como Moodle, entre otras y para la participación de cursos en linea y como apoyo para cursos presenciales

      • Patricia Sánchez Rosario 8:02 pm on February 26, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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        Es una tecnología que permite el trabajo colaborativo el cual es muy enriquecedor ya que participa gente de todo el mundo

    • @csemipresencial 3:11 pm on February 22, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Hi everybody!
      My experience with open technologies is with open office inside G Suite code in Google Sheets. Some pictures from creative commons.org and other resources of some generous people who share them in that website.
      Other software, Courselab for SCORM design and Moodle is good example too of open source technologies, some of have access to code maybe.

    • Cruz Saucedo 5:25 am on February 23, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Qué tal Brian!
      Yo utilizo 3.3 Moodle como recurso de apoyo en todas mis clases, además de Google Apps tales como: Docs., Sheets, Presentations, Classroom, Forms y Drive ; existen como en todos lados pros y contras, por un lado la plataforma de Moodle me parece muy buena ya que tengo varios años utilizandola tiene muchas herramientas de gran utilidad para el desarrollo de las actividades de los estudiantes y son sencillas de manejar y calificar, mientras que en Classroom no se pueden ocultar sesiones, se tienen que ir haciendo al mismo tiempo que se avanza con el curso.

    • Ignacio Robles 12:49 pm on February 24, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Muy interesante el tema, utilizo plataformas de servidores de linux de comunicación remota y realmente es muy estable en trabajar con tecnología de este tipo de código abierto, me permite tener comunicacion en todo momento

    • Laura AB 4:03 am on February 27, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Hi! I tried to use wikis once, but it didn’t work very well, lately I think my experience with open resources is from Creative Commons and maybe prezi, which contents are public, but I have to admit my experience is limited.

      • Fabiola de Santos Ávila 8:26 pm on February 27, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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        Hi Laura, as well as you, my experience in this field is so limited. I have been used Moodle in several versions including web version, and is easy and useful in the design and running of curses. I also use Drive (is it open? I think so). So, I have a lot to learn and willing to do it. See you soon.

        • Laura Alfaro 3:58 am on March 1, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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          ¡Hola! Yo uso moodle, mas no sé sinceramente si sea un recurso abierto, ya que los grupos son cerrados, uso casi todas las herramientas de google, pero de igual forma, no sé si apliquen, jeje, creo que tendré que entender más sobre qué son los recursos abiertos, tal vez ya utilizo más de los que pensaba. Me dará gusto reunirnos!

    • Katia MV 6:56 pm on February 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      Hola Brian. Para mi es complicado el uso de la tecnología, requiero practicar, practicar y practicar para que me quede claro como usar estos medios digitales. Tengo un año usando Classroom de Google y sus aplicaciones como calendario, formulario, documentos, presentaciones, entre otros y me parecen excelentes formas de facilitar mis cursos, voy tomando experiencia y aprendiendo más cada día, pero paso a pasito. Estoy incursionando en Kahoot como una herramienta de gamificación y me parece excelente. Me queda claro el potencial que brinda la tecnología y lo mucho que me falta por aprender.

    • Guadalupe Teresa Limón Toledo 9:30 pm on February 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply

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      La tecnología está presente en todos los ámbitos de la vida cotidiana. De una forma u otra, casi todas las actividades que realizamos a lo largo del día implican la utilización de algún dispositivo tecnológico. Esta amplitud nos permite entender que la tecnología, por sí misma, no resulta ni buena ni mala. Se puede usar la tecnología para mejorar la productividad del trabajo humano, disminuir los esfuerzos físicos e incrementar la calidad de vida de la población, pero también la tecnología puede causar diferencias sociales (de acuerdo a los conocimientos tecnológicos adquiridos), contaminar el medio ambiente y provocar desocupación. Tengo aproximadamente 1 año usando nuevas aplicaciones que nos proporciono el curso de Agora y he implementado la plataforma de Edmodo y Twitter en mis clases, cada día aprendo algo nuevo y sigo viendo las diferentes ventajas que nos proporcionan las aplicaciones.

    • Lilia Gomez 5:46 am on March 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7 in /home/theagora/muraludg.org/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/mentions.php on line 77

      I like tecnology and use daily. Use tecnology in class with my estudents and I would like to learn more. it is important to give a pedagogical use to technology. Animoto, powtoon, GoConqr, Venngage, Canva, padlet, Google drive, formularios de Google, Google docs, twittee, Facebook.

    • Laura 5:44 pm on March 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7 in /home/theagora/muraludg.org/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/mentions.php on line 77

      He utilizado aplicaciones abiertas en línea para la solución de problemas de optimización en clase, ya que no tenemos acceso a laboratorios y no hay software especializado para mi materia.

    • Obdulia Alcalá 4:52 am on March 5, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7 in /home/theagora/muraludg.org/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/mentions.php on line 77

      Open technology are programs, Apps and a variety of tools that help us to design since a simple class to a complete course. I have used for instance Prezi, Power Point to give and ask for presentations. Canva for info graphics, Mindomo for mental maps and presentations, Ed modo an moodle for courses, Facebook and WhatsApp for spontaneous activities, among others.

    • Neri González 5:11 am on March 5, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7 in /home/theagora/muraludg.org/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/mentions.php on line 77


      I use the Moodle tool for some classes and Google education tools (Classroom, Documents, Drive, etc.)

      I also use WordPress CMS to create websites and content with students, web tools such as Canva, Genial.ly, Thinklink and others.

      In free software I use the audio editor Audacity.

    • Sara Cruz 7:24 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7 in /home/theagora/muraludg.org/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/mentions.php on line 77

      Me parece que solo Moodle al gula que otros compañeros, no obstante ha sido un reto muy grande debido a que los alumnos ponen resistencia a utilizarla debido a fallas un se han presentado y prefieren que se utilicen otro tipo de herramientas.

    • Miriam Susana Medina L. 7:29 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7 in /home/theagora/muraludg.org/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/mentions.php on line 77

      I use moodle, groups of facebooks and it works better for me… and others many WebApp… My four groups working better than after to used.

    • Ricardo Rodríguez 9:51 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7 in /home/theagora/muraludg.org/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/mentions.php on line 77

      Technology gives us lot of oportunities to take advantage in the modern world. But, also could mean serius Risks. Thats why we have to be very carefully about our actions and keep on eye at where we are in internet. We also can aware our students.

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