[Open as a Question] After today’s session do you have new ideas, perspectives on Wikipedia and Open Knowledge?
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And beyond Wikipedia itself, do you see potential for UDG to create and share knowledge in these kinds of open knowledge commons?
Diane 5:27 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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Considero que si es posible realizar un trabajo colaborativo en la comunidad universitaria, con un buen equipo, fundamentar, citar las fuentes.
Teresa Limon 12:38 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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For students result very atractive the idea of contribute with their own knowledge and coments in wikipedia
Maybe the Ude G migth contribute as a university comunity, to improve that source
Marisol Luna Rizo 2:27 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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The global tendency is to share knowledge in an open manner, because what we must begin to do from our space to generate changes within the University of Guadalajara.
Gaby Limon 7:07 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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We as team 14 found out that there is very few articles in Wikipedia about “education abierta” in Spanish, and we think we can improve that
Lotzy Beatriz Fonseca Chiu 9:05 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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Pienso que la Universidad de Guadalajara podría generar un repositorio abierto de contenidos (REA) en diferentes áreas del conocimiento. Ciencias, Arte, Diseño, Ingenierías. etc.
Y que como comunidad los profesores y estudiantes podríamos aportar contenidos.
DrGudinho 11:23 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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Alguna vez existió el CREA (http://www.ciep.cga.udg.mx/crea), pero mantener esos repositorios con tan poca visibilidad -reconozco que yo tampoco lo conocí hasta alguien me dijo de su existencia- terminó por matar el proyecto. Además: muchos de los recursos estaban basados en Flash: así de viejo y anacrónico era el panorama.
Angelina Vallin 1:44 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Hola Mtra. Lotzy,
Considero que como primer paso se requiere que en el Consejo de Rectores de la UdeG se aprube una política institucional de recursos abiertos pues en este momento todo lo que se genera en la institución tiene derechos reservados. En este momento hay un repositorio institucional, que formará parte del repositorio nacional, en el que se “facilita el acceso virtual, libre y abierto al conocimiento académico y científico producido en la Universidad de Guadalajara”, tal como lo describen en el repositorio: http://wdg.biblio.udg.mx/index.php/repo-inv
Diego Ramos 11:43 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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I believe that the UDG community can establish a network of collaborators, both students and professors, as long as they do not violate ethics or intellectual property.
Fabiola de Santos Avila 12:12 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Wikipedia is a very attractive way to involve students in documentary research and use of information taken from trustable sources. I have been using “wikis” as a way of collaborative work with my students (using moodle). It was fun, but using wikipedia the effort is shared with to much people and can be improved as well.
Sarahi Quintero 12:37 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Yes, I do. I definitely had another opinion about wikipedia. I didn’t know that there was review committee and that they were strict.
Marlon Omar Navarro Torres 1:55 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Yes, I agree with some of the colleagues that Wikipedia can be a window of opportunity for the implementation of collaborative work strategies in class. I am still considering the possibility that Wikipedia will open a platform not only for information on topics to be discussed, but also for opening up a platform for discussing these issues.
Angelina Vallin 2:19 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Definitivamente yo me sumo a la apreciación que tiene Jon respecto a Wikipedia, sigo desconfiando de sus contenidos, sin embargo, los estudiantes van a seguir utilizándolo, por lo tanto, hay que contribuir a gran escala e invitar a nuestros estudiantes a que colaboren con el enriquecimiento de la información que ya existe o con la generación de nuevos artículos.
Patricia Sánchez Rosario 2:24 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Considero que la Universidad de Guadalajara tiene mucho potencial ya que contamos con estudiantes muy creativos en este ámbito. Crear la responsabilidad de ser críticos ante la información que se presenta en Wikipedia y de su aportación es lo nos compete como profesores.
Laura 2:40 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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I think there is a huge potential in creating open content for the university community and for the Spanish-speaking world, since there is a great need to obtain knowledge from a distance or in marginalized areas.
In wikipedia there are many areas of opportunity that we must take advantage of to improve the contents that our students can consult.
Claudia Islas T 2:54 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Qué acciones de aprendizaje activo sugieren que ayuden a promover el uso de una wiki sin desconfiar de la información que se generará en ella, sobre todo, cómo se le daría seguimiento
Almajipa 2:57 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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En estos momentos algunos Centros Universitarios de la RedUdg, por iniciativa propia cuentan con un repositorio, para lograr que la UDG genere una plataforma general se tendrá que discutir a nivel Consejo de Rectores
Obdulia Alcalá 3:07 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Students have disposition to create something new, just they must be guided and supervised to get an accurate product.
Almajipa 3:08 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Hoy he aprendido que wiki es más que sólo búsqueda de información
Romy Florencia Hernández Pérez 4:21 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Our students resort to many sources of information, obtain data from various pages that are not always reliable, we have to create content that although they are on a platform such as Wikipedia, as far as possible give fidelity to our articles, contribute and be a factor of change .
Lilia Gomez 4:55 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Yes, the udg is a very robust system with trained teachers in all areas. We have a digital library with material from students and teachers, but it is not open. Maybe only one platform with access to any person is missing.
Abraham Aguilar 5:16 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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I was thinking a bit about the campaign that Wikipedia will have to do to spread the seriousness of its contents and maybe one way of doing it is to separate or categorize the information that we share, simple people and that which is the result of structured research, as does redalyc.
It occurred to me to think 🙂
Iris Pérez 7:22 am on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Of course, we could even start in our classrooms, I like the idea of promoting the collaboration of our students to develop or improve an article, considering Jon’s experience.
Luisfher 12:47 pm on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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There are several topics in my field that I can use it to increase our understanding about public opinion, media and journalism. Wikipedia is a great tool to make colaborative work, students can see how other people evalue their work.
Omar 3:25 pm on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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It really was interesting in using the application. I almost was about to get to elaborate one with my students and take advantage of my distance from them these days.
Omar 3:34 pm on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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I believe that the teachers have an excellent opportunity to modify and enter the information of wipedia, and that our students participate with the support and accompaniment of the teacher.
Irene Cossio 4:19 pm on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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Creo que ahora que sabemos y conocemos cómo funciona Wikimedia es nuestro deber colaborar para que sea una mejor herramienta y compartir es gusto con nuestros alumnos
Cristina CUCBA 12:00 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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In the UDG if you could work with wikipedia, by expanding the panoram and listen to the positive experiences of other teachers, we can be precursors of this activity, which benefits everyone. I see it as a social support for those who do not have the resources to access other licensed references
Laura Aguilar 5:17 am on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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Siempre me ha gustado wikipedia, ahora la usaré con mayor responsabilidad editando información junto con mis alumnos.