Today, the first day of the Mural UDG meetings in Guadalajara is also the first day of Open Education Week 2018.
Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement. Its goal is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide.
You will be busy today, but if you could pick an activity from the events listed, which one would you choose?
And for 2019, what kinds of activities might UDG be adding to the agendas?
Tweet your response to @muraludg and be sure to include the hashtag #opener13
Faviola Castillo
@muraludg my action for open week is to “open” myself to the alternatives wikimedia has to offer to improve and strengthen education techniques and materials #opener13
@mural.udg #opener13 today I would choose the use of wikipedia and wikimedia, the impact on teaching that I did not know.
Ignacio Robles
Open resources are collaboration and learning space for all the activities we are doing looking for articles or subjects specialized in English wikipedia, I found many good and in Spanish are not well designed, would fail to work this part, excellent learning.
Ignacio Robles
@muraludg #opener13 Open resources are collaboration and learning space for all the activities we are doing looking for articles or subjects specialized in English wikipedia, I found many good and in Spanish are not well designed, would fail to work this part, excellent learning.
Leobardo Cuevas Alvarez
La educacion abierya es una opcion prioritaria para dar acceso a mas gente a la informacion y a la formacion.