Congratulations to all of our participants in the closing Chopped Challenge of Mural UDG.
The process started with each team submitting a “pitch” for a project idea Thursday afternoon (see all pitched ideas in Acumulador). After getting feedback from the facilitators, the teams added detail to their proposal. In groups of five teams, each one presented it to the others. Each team got more feedback, which were then incorporated into a revised presentation.
From the groups of five teams, one was voted to go to the final round, where the projects were presented to the entire audience. The Final Five projects included:
- Team 5: Propuesta de Plataforma abierta para el desarrollo de habilidades emprendedoras
- Team 9: Open repository of didactic materials
- Team 13. OER para promover el uso adecuado de las TIC
- Team 19: MOOC UdeG
Inicia la presentación de los proyectos finalistas del #ChoppedChallenge de #muraludg
— Pedro Ortega Gudiño (@DrGudinho) March 9, 2018
¡Wow! Equipo 24 propone la creación de un recurso didáctico para aprender metodología de la investigación 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #muraludg #metopistas
— Turismo UdeG 🌀 (@TurismoUdeG) March 9, 2018
@muraludg #muraludg Chopped Challenge @tanbob @brlamb @grantpotter @o83976466 @BetsaMunoz @marisolluna1980 @cogblog
— Ignacio R (@j_ignacio123) March 9, 2018
Team 19 shares idea for open community focused courses #muraludg Chopped Challenge
— Alan Levine ☠ (@cogdog) March 9, 2018
Team 9 @muraludg @lexudg @udg_oficial @udgcucei #muraludg
— Agustin Martz (@Agustin_Martz) March 9, 2018
Then the audience members individual dot voted for their favorite project:
And the winning team was… Team 24: METOPISTAS GAME
But we are all winners because of all the final ideas that were shared and are openly available in Acumulador.