Building with H5P

In this activity, you will dig a little deeper into an H5P tool, and work to build a sharable resource.

“A Whole Mural Story at 331” flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license


H5P tools work well in most online environments. A tool you build on the H5P website can be embedded on any website, or inside a learning management system such as Moodle.

What to Do

In the previous activity, hopefully you sampled a number of H5P activity types. For this time, we ask that you settle in and build an actual resource using one of the tools. If you have a laptop, you will probably find the process easier, though some H5P activities can be built using an iPad.

You will be building this resource using the Image Hotspot Tool. It allows you to add text or embed videos on any image. The image can be a photograph, or a drawing. Diagrams and maps are also excellent sources.

  1. Quickly plan out what you hope to achieve with the activity.
  2. If you are using images that you do not own, take some time to find openly licensed ones, there is a list of sources from UBC, or you can use the Creative Commons search tool. When you find one you might use, be sure to note where you got it from so you can provide attribution.
  3. When you have finished the resource or activity, share it on Contestar. Add a link to the resource, and a short description of what you tried to do. And attribute the place you got your image (unless it was your own).
  4. If you like, Tweet a link to your Contestar entry when it is posted. Remember to tag it with #muraludg and #h5p.

Featured Image: A Whole Mural Story at 331 flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
