Collection of open educational resources for Math . Team 7

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Proposal: Build a repository of free and open educational resources to share digitized materials to be used in teaching, learning and research by teachers and students throughout the university community.
Why? Because there is a gap in this matter, There is no such initiative in the UDG.There is a need to reinforce the area of ​​mathematics in the University Centers to improve the failure rates.
Implementation: Initially in press word
Challenges: the content is not adequate, obtain the technological support to start, that there is not enough participation of students and teachers


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1 Comment

  1. Alan Levine

    There are already many numerous places that build collections of OERs for mathematics, e.g.

    * OER Commons
    * University of Oklahoma
    * Humboldt State University

    and many more. Perhaps the need is more for ones in Spanish?

    I’d like to see something more than a collection of OERs, they do not necessarily help to integrate them. Perhaps these would be ones you and or students create? Or focused within a certain area of math to have more comprehensive coverage? Or maybe a collection of OERs combined with examples of how the same ones are used in different math courses?

    We would like to see more than resource collection.

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