Category: Open Technologies Page 1 of 4

Team 13. OER para promover el uso adecuado de las TIC.

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (5 votes, average: 2.40 out of 5)

La propuesta es crear una espacio abierto basado en WordPress, integrado con recursos y tecnología abierta que permita educar y al mismo tiempo crear conciencia sobre el uso…

using open technolgy at class

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 2.00 out of 5)

• Proposal: Start to use several open technology to develop activities in classroom and out of it. Students can looking for open technology and take advantage not only…

Repository academics to strengthen communities collaboration between teachers and students to build contents

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (4 votes, average: 4.75 out of 5)

Repository academics to strengthen communities collaboration between teachers and students to build contents Proposal Generate a community of collaboration and knowledge construction involving researchers, academics and students through…

Team 11 Open UDG Research

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Propuesta El proyecto está dirigido a estudiantes y profesores interesados en la investigación, de modo que puedan obtener retroalimentación a sus trabajos de forma abierta. Investigadores en proceso…

Open technology to promote awareness in the use of TIC

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 2.00 out of 5)

We consider the great problem that exists with the inadequate use of technological tools by young generations. It’s worrisome that adolescents and children without orientation constantly visit pages…

Team 4 Collaboration network for construction of contents published in reservoir

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Criteria for the pith Short description of the idea Repositorio de contenidos académicos para fortalecer comunidades de colaboración entre docentes y estudiantes para la construcción de contenidos a…

Educacion permanente en el uso de tecnologías para el aprendizaje

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

La plantilla docente de la UdG esta viviendo un cambio generacional y los nuevos docentes regularmente ingresan con más habilidades tecnológicas pero los docentes con mayor edad carecen…

Team 21 – Proyecto: Seguridad en el uso de internet

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Proposal: make interactive videos with open educational tools (multimedia). The realization will be in charge of the students, who raise awareness about the corrective and preventive use of…

Team 3 : Repository of resources and images of information in the university community

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Repository of resources and images of information in the university community Proposal: what do you think should be done? Who will use it? Our proposal is to create…

TEAM 4. Encourage research in students with support in technologies through the creation of virtual space

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (7 votes, average: 3.86 out of 5)

Proposal: what is it you think should be done? Encourage research in students with support in technologies through the creation of virtual space • Who will use it?…

Team 12 – @Pen Evaluati@n The One who does not evaluate does not Learn

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 1.50 out of 5)

PROPOUSAL A cross evaluation is proposed in which the student participates as well as the academy; the student will evaluate through the identification of areas of opportunities the…

Team 20 – No al tráfico de Información

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

In this generation in which students were born practically with technology, everything that happens with it is something natural and normal they consider it totally good; It is…