Team 20 – No al tráfico de Información

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In this generation in which students were born practically with technology, everything that happens with it is something natural and normal they consider it totally good; It is difficult to see it as a threat to them. this added to the lack of interest regarding the care of your personal data, your privacy or even the security provided by the Internet pages when you enter them
It generates that they are really exposed to all the traffic of their information and what they can work within any Internet page

Proposal: we suggest creating a short creative video, with a visual impact that shows the risks of not being careful with personal data, the permissions that are granted to strange pages and the risk of information traffic with the simple fact of accessing One page..
This video will be integrated to all the official pages of the university Guadalajara its university centers or even the platforms as in this case Moodle, so that it opens automatically when entering these pages. Make it viral

Justification: to make students aware of the safe use and risks of Internet social networks and platforms.

Implementation: this requires the support of Informatica from the University of Guadalajara as well as all the authorizations and obligations for university centers to publish this video and make it viral

Challenges: the real challenge lies in getting the authorizations from the University of Guadalajara and the interest in getting this proposal going.

Shared by: Anonymous
Image Credit: Equipo 20

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1 Comment

  1. Brian Lamb

    I would love to see this video! In my experience, it can be challenge to both “get support” from “official” university sources, and to make a video “viral” — it seems to me that the forces behind those two results are quite different. So if you knew how this might be achieved, it would be good to read that in your proposal.

    I think this proposal would also be stronger if there was a little more detail on what this video might focus on — the descriptions here are quite general.

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