Category: Chopped Challenge Pitch Page 1 of 3

Team 20. TeCEA. Tesauro de Contenidos Educativos Abiertos

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 3.50 out of 5)

It is a controlled and structured list of terms for thematic analysis and the search for documents, apps, software, websites and contributions in the fields of education

TEAM 19. “MOOC UDG addressed to the general public”

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Create a platform type course, in which teachers in collaboration with some of their colleagues create a MOOC in order to provide society not only for students, but…

Project Open textbook: Towards the construction of a model of mathematical literacy. Team 7

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Throughout history it has been shown that mathematics is everywhere and has all kinds of applications, so why is this alien to students? Mathematics loses the sense of…

Team 18 – Open pedagogy among faculty at UdG

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 2.00 out of 5)

The idea is to bring Open Pedagogy to students, but also to faculty in our Centro Universitario through work with Academias. This could be done with seminars and…


1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (5 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5)

METOPISTAS!! “How can I do research? Follow the clues to know how can perform for an investigation. “ Proposal: The project is sustained with the philosophy that students…

Team 17: Usos del español desde la interculturalidad mexicana

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Con este proyecto pretendemos conocer más los usos y costumbres que desde la interculturalidad se desarrollan actualmente en México como herramienta para la construcción de una base de…

Team 2. Pitch idea for the Chopped Challenge

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)

TEAM 2: Rosales, Morales y Mora. BUILDING AN OPEN BUILDING FOR EDUCATION (BOAB for Education) The identified need for the academic community for open education that requires the…

Team 6. “Jalisco we listen to you”

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)

Description: Site of reception for report of local and regional problems and needs of the Jalisco state, through TIC’s. Tools: wordPress, twitter, TIC’s Contribution: Generate a community-university communication,…

Team 11: WordPress page with combined OER’s

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (3 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5)

Es una página en wordpress en la que profesores, investigadores y alumnos pueden subir material de su propia autoría para ser retroalimentado por otros profesores y estudiantes de…

Equipo 22: UDG Open Researchers Community

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)

Due to the fact that the researchs carried out in the university centers of the UDG are not clearly known, we propose to built a research information site…

Tecnología abierta

Team 8 Utilización de herramientas de tecnología abierta.

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Utilizar la plataforma Moodle para la organización de todas las temáticas abordadas y control de evaluación. En la plataforma se utilizarán ligas a las distintas herramientas de tecnología…

Team 16: Chop Challenge: Debating using technology

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Proposal : To use new technologies and open sources in teaching to generate in our students values to form better individuals and citizens. Rationale: Teaching has been a…