Equipo 22. Bank of pedagogigal resources

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Proposal: Develop a bank of pedagogical resources in open H5P for the entire university community.
Rationale: Currently there is not account in the UDG with a bank of educational resources open for topics that all teachers can use.
Implementation: each area must create a virtual space, where the bank deposit educational resources made by students at least one per teacher per semester.
Educational Resources should be reviwed by experts in the topics covered and preferably updated every 6 months.
The construction of the site must be supported with resources of the UDG.
Challenge: Perform the pedagogical update and discipline of all the professors in a constant way.

Shared by: Equipo 22
Image Credit: Wikicommons

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  1. Grant Potter

    This would be great to see. Are there disciplines you feel would be easiest to start first? Also – is it your intention to have students build these H5P resources and have instructors and faculty review them?

  2. Rosalinda Torres

    Si, efectivamente sería un proyecto grande. Si se contempla que los estudiantes vayan elaborando los recursos asesorados por su profesor y despues serían evaluados por expertos en el tema.

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