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“How can I do research? Follow the clues to know how can perform for an investigation. “

The project is sustained with the philosophy that students not only absorb knowledge, they can also create it.

The research process is complex for students and many times for higher education teachers of the University of Guadalajara.

We intend with those free resource and learning to identify the steps and characteristics of the scientific method to conduct a research protocol. So, they can realize their own practical methodology.

Involved expert disciplinary teachers and students, will lead in creating the proyect about 4 weeks. Will benefit teachers and students.

We will use (ingredients):
the 5 R’s
Attribute: Innovation & Creativity
Attribute: Sharing ideas & Resources
Attribute: Participatory technology
Open technology: WordPress, H5P

Low participation of the level, modulate the exercises and the domain of the applications.

Videos, Wikipedia, Twitter by difusion and others open resources.

Shared by: @marisolluna1980, @j_ignacio123, @betsamunoz, @o83976466
Image Credit: Creative commons

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1 Comment

  1. Grant Potter

    I am unclear on your exercise. Are you proposing the creation of a game that will help students understand research protocols? If this is a game, how do you plan on assessing student learning?

    How will these exercises be delivered to students?

    Have you considered what method or technology you might use?

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