Agregando imágenes en Wikimedia / Adding images in Wikimedia

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Se pueden subir imágenes desde PC o Mac, pero hace falta trabajar en aplicaciones en México para Tablets, Ipads o teléfonos, todo tipo de dispositivos móviles para poder subir contenido a Wikimedia.

You can upload images from PC or Mac, but it is necessary to work in apps in Mexico for tablets, IPads or smartphones, all kind of mobil devices for upload content to Wikimedia.

Shared by: Equipo #11
Image Credit: Laura Alfaro

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  1. collector

    Totalmente de acuerdo contigo. 🙂

  2. @tanbob

    You show that you successfully uploaded one of your photos to the Wikimedia commons with descriptors, which was one of the goals of the activity. The next step would be to explain how this action addresses a gap, or how uploading this image to wikimedia contributes to the commons.

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