TEAM 3: Exam for Design Area Graduates (Conceptual Predesign)

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• Clearly establish the description of the conceptual blueprint that the alumnus must complete.
• Establish the evaluation criteria of the conceptual project and that are integrated into a rubric that integrates aspects related to the design.
• That the scope of the project is well defined, considering time of elaboration, gender or type of design.
• Provide information to the main educational agents (authorities, accrediting bodies, teachers, students and society in general) about the state of their graduates, regarding the knowledge and skills considered necessary to integrate into the labor field.


It may be useful for exit exams by educational institutions related to the design as a whole or specific:

• Incorporate the exit exam as a means to evaluate and compare the performance of their graduates with a national parameter, in addition to the use of the instrument as an option to be qualified.

• Have elements of valid and reliable judgments that support the planning and curricular evaluation processes that allow them to undertake actions capable of improving the academic training of their graduates, by adapting plans and study programs.

• That the exam allows to demonstrate the competences in the area of design for the insertion in the labor field.

• To have the criteria of the evaluation of the graduate in the areas of design and later the specificities of each area of the design that can be as: Architecture, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, Urban Design and Interior Design among others.


• Evaluation criteria of CENEVAL
• Criteria in the training of designers by national and international organizations.
• Professionalism recommendations in the areas of design by professionals
• Accrediting bodies and certifiers in the areas of design

Shared by: CUAAD (Team 3)
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  1. Alan Levine

    (also I see another entry for Team 2, are these different?

    This example looks similar to the math exam question presented today, but it’s not clear to how this is an open education effort. Will it be available to a larger audience?

    Is the goal to connect the exam criteria to the standards cited? A bit more narrative would help clarify this idea for someone not as familiar with the program.

    • Jose Luis Chavez

      Hi Alan,

      Excuse me, what happened is that there was a confusion with the team number. We are the number 3 team. The members that carried out this activity were Mtra. Penelope Herrera, Mtro. Fernando Mora and Mtro. José Luis Chávez.

      Can you help us with this conflict please?

      Greetings and thanks!

      • Alan Levine

        Thank you Josem yes we will correct the title for you (because I manage the technology I can change it!)

    • Fernando Mora

      Yes its true. We need a little more information on the problem to be solved since the actual exam as it is today has caused a lot of problems nationwide since the description of what is supposed to be predesigned by graduates is not clear. And it is not a multiple answer questions, but a predesign to be accomplished in a few hours.
      The idea is that it should be worked openly by teachers and experts, but also by students and graduates on how to have a better tool that should effectively reflect if the graduate meets the competency standards set by certain acreditting and certifying agencies as well as professional organizations.
      This task force may open new lines of types of exams that may be made for design professions. We would probably need more time, but this would be the general idea.

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