Team 18 – Collaborative study guide

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Goals –
Encourage significant learning
Reinforce the corresponsabilidad of people involved in education: students, professors, colleagues, etc.
It is designed to strengthen self-managed skills
It ensures content is well understood because students appropriate the knowledge they want to learn, which makes it easier to comprehend.
Scope –
The main scope is a si god classroom, but can also reach the academia and is designed for other professionals interested in the subject around the globe (Spanish speaking)
Quality is guaranteed because it involves sharing concepts and contents between students, between professors, and the whole academia, the quality that peer review guarantees.
Students are co-designers of learning
This model can be applied to other academic subjects, which makes it usable, transversal and scalable.
Resources –
Google apps (pilot stage)
Connectivity -UdG móvil (pilot stage)
Wikimedia to share among the community

Shared by: Team 18
Image Credit: Faviola castillo

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  1. Melanie Meyers

    I see that the idea and goal there is a great one. I would like to know more about what and how the students will be working on this. I know that you had more of the details of this plan in your diagram but I don’t think that it is all reflected in your submission here. The concept of the collaborative development and learning is interesting and it would be great to see more about how this will be achieved with the tools that you have identified.

    • Faviola

      Melanie, we uploaded a summary of what we had on the blackboard. That’s why we used the image of it as our idea of collaborative working. Do you want us to explain further our idea?

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