Project: Construction of a methodological guide for the drafting of the research protocol. Team 7

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Goals: The construction of a methodological guide for the writing of the research protocol for students of the Biological and Agricultural Sciences of Bachelor degree to increase the quality of the information available in wikipedia.
Course objective: That the students share a product developed in a collaborative, innovative and creative way, that allows to understand the essential elements to build a research protocol.
Scope: The project is focused on students learning the following:
1. Analyze the essential elements to build a research protocol.-
2. Classify the essential elements
3. Build a methodological guide
The guide as an open resource will be editable and peer-reviewed (by students of Agricultural Biological Sciences) in a collaborative way on wikipedia.
Quality criteria:
Clarity and accuracy in information
Functionality and accessibility
citation and licenses

Google academic

Click to access ce133d.pdf

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1 Comment

  1. Grant Potter

    I like how you considered how you would assess quality in this project. Have you thought about what technology you might use for this guide? Perhaps something like WordPress ( or Pressbooks ( might work for you? Interesting resources you have selected to help you meet the needs of the project. I would like to see this project in action!

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