Team 23. Use of open technology to encourage the use of English in undergraduate.

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Use of open technology to encourage the use of English in undergraduate.

WordPress and h5P are useful and very complementary tools.

Proposal: we suggest using the WordPress and h5P application in the university as tools that use open technology in a creative and easy to apply way.

Justification: Every day that passes is the demand and the need for professionals to master a second language such as English, in addition to this there is also the need for management and use of information technologies, with this project is intended to promote the use of the English among undergraduates. and information technologies as learning tools.

Implementation: computer support for the coordination of learning tencologies of the University of Guadalajara to provide a platform, perhaps WordPress or a Wiki site. The collaboration of the department head is required for the realization of this activity through collegiate work and to socialize with all the teachers of the department in the implementation thereof.

Challenges: free and optimal Internet access in the university network in each center. Encourage teachers to use this project. Motivate the student to use open and safe technologies.

Shared by: Anonymous
Image Credit: @doctorterapias, @serchr, @mariafigueroaj, @sulbaran_belkis

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1 Comment

  1. Grant Potter

    Give you intend to use H5P you may want to use WordPress to host these resources as WordPress has a plugin that will make managing H5P collections easier. I am not clear on one detail – are you proposing that instructors will be making these or other technical staff at UdG?

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