Team 3 : Our idea / proposal (Portal in WordPress)

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Our idea / proposal:

Develop a WordPress site that contains minimum ingredients: Innovation and creativity, participatory technologies, sharing ideas and resources, reflective practice; and, connected community.
In this site in WordPress that is proposed to create include the inclusion of tools such as: Twitter, Facebook, H5P, Infographic tool, Canva, Youtube, G Suite, NEO LMS.

Mainly you will have the following functions or services:

1. Portal of informative resources
2. Image Bank
3. Access to online open courses
4. Spaces of forums to socialize
5. Links of reinforcement of references
6. Frequently asked questions section
7. Space for news
8. Security recommendations section on the Internet

Directed to students and professors of the University of Guadalajara, initiating in the University Center of Art, Architecture and Design.

Shared by: @jlchavezv; @_PenelopeHN
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1 Comment

  1. Alan Levine

    We love WordPress! Creating a community and resource site has potential, but you will need to refine the open pedagogy and participating elements to make this more than a level 1 type project of information building. I am not seeing quite enough yet that moves this to a higher level.

    Where are the elements of open pedagogy / scholarship here?

    Who is participating in this site? Who is creating all this content? How will quality be managed?

    You might want to research if other such community sites exist; there is potential for re-creating content that already exists elsewhere.

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