Team 12. @ElmoreGuevara @TurismoUdeG @LF_OrgMx Continuity and Evaluation of the Udg Mural Project for it’s Glocal consolidation

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1. Short description of the idea.
Consolidate the human and technological resource base for the implementation of the MuralUdg project in the topics associated with Open Education.

2. What gap does your project/idea address?
The continuity and the evaluation in the MuralUdg project are an important component to advance in the consolidation of it.

It has 3 objetives:
Find a common interest among teachers and researchers
Avoid atomization of proyects and interests
Promote horizontal communication

3. How is your idea/project a meaningful contribution to a program, faculty, UDG, world?

To take effective advantage of the formation of the MuralUdg team so that the actions inherent to continuity and its replication to regional university centers are executed and their impact on the associated community.

We want to create a great community of researchers and teachers; to create a better horizontal communication.

Based on open education, this project seeks to suppor four substantive areas of the University of Guadalajara:


Shared by: @ElmoreGuevara
Image Credit: @ElmoreGuevara

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  1. Laura Aguilar

    Mural UDG Glocal es la respuesta a la pregunta “ ¿Cómo se puede consolidar el modelo de aprendizaje #MuralUDG ? En estas nueva plataforma se busca fortalecer redes de colaboración entre los profesores , concentrar y difundir los proyectos e investigaciones científicas en función de 4 áreas sustantivas de la UDG : docencia, investigación, extensión-gestión y tutoría, resolver problemáticas regionales y por ende contribuir a avanzar como sociedad.

    GLOCAL es palabra clave para comprender de lo Global a lo Local 😊

    Poner en práctica los saberes de Mural UDG , utilizar la pedagogía y tecnología abierta, pasar del dicho al hecho 👍🏼

    • Laura Aguilar

      P.D el comentario es de Laura Aguilar, no Diego Ramos 😂

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