Protection of the sea turtle through the use of videos and interaction in social networks

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Use of the social network YouTube as a means of interaction to achieve the awareness of the students of CUCEA and the world about the care and conservation of the sea turtle.


Promote interest in the University community in relation to the conservation of the sea turtle.

Generate the discussion, debate and analysis in social networks (YouTube), about the conservation of the sea turtle.

Create awareness about the importance of the conservation and care of the sea turtle.

Generate student´s propasaos and the world on conservation of the turtle.


A trip to Tortuguero Mayto camp in Jalisco will take place, where sea turtle conservation activities will be carried out, based on this, the students will make a video where the aforementioned activities will be shown and the video will be discussed in social networks.


Build teams of 5 members to perform their own activities of turtle conservation.
Assign roles within the team.
Carry out the activities of the conservation and simultaneously the awareness video directed to the population
Upload the video to YouTube, share it with your contacts and friends.
Make at least two contributions to each of the teams of the group considering the rubric of the tiger
Prepare a report with proposals for improvement for the protection of the turtle, taking as reference the contributions of the YouTube social network.



Evaluation instrument

Checklist of the video
Rubric of the tiger for the interaction in the network

Shared by: Equipo 8
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1 Comment

  1. Grant Potter

    I think a conservation project is a great active, experiential learning experience for students.

    I have a few questions:

    You mention a “rubric of the tiger” – are you able to find a link that is an example of this sort of rubric?

    You also suggest ‘Replay’ and ‘Gate’ as resources. Do you have links to these? Also, how do you intend to use them?

    I am also interested to know how long it would take students to complete this project? 1 week? 1 month? Longer?

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