Team 25. Open pedagogy program for the acquisition of informative skills

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The development of a program for the acquisition of informative competences that include courses and open resources.

The gap that covers
In principle, the program seeks to address the need of students of the Virtual University System in the development of informative skills, since the virtual modality requires self-management and self-learning in students, and the skills to search, evaluate, selecting, recovering and, sometimes, transforming information are necessary for their professional training.

Significant contribution that makes for dependence
The program contributes to the comprehensive training of its students, which influences their permanence and, in addition, provides additional skills to their curricular training.

Shared by: Team 25
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1 Comment

  1. Grant Potter

    It sounds like you would like to work on a literacy program for UdG students.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Have you given some though on the technologies you think would be useful to accomplish this? H5P might be a useful way to create self-assessments for students.

    2. How will you know when you have been successful in completing this project? Do you have some ideas on what assessment or quality framework you might use?

    3. Is there an opportunity to involve students in the co-creation of these resources?

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