Category: Open Pedagogy Page 3 of 3

Team 4 How to promote development of transversal competencies in highered community

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (3 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

GOAL Promote development of transversal competencies in highered community by collaborative learning mediated with IT. SCOPE Does this design encourage support participation from broader onlines communities? for example:…

TEAM 3: Exam for Design Area Graduates (Conceptual Predesign)

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)

Goals: • Clearly establish the description of the conceptual blueprint that the alumnus must complete. • Establish the evaluation criteria of the conceptual project and that are integrated…


1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (3 votes, average: 3.33 out of 5)

Goals: Generate a repository of open educational resources that promote the acquisition of integral competences in undergraduate students, through their creation in a collaborative manner. Scope: In the…

Successful Women – no matter the disabilities

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 2.50 out of 5)

Marking the facts of being a successful women with disabilities improving in arts, science and technology. No matter the disabilities or minority group. Goals Look for video information,…

Equipo 10 – Organic chemistry: polymer recycling project

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (3 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)

Based on OER e-book about polymers (, as a final project for the organic chemistry course (2nd semester), we ask the students to select an specific kind of…

Mathematics applied to engineering

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (3 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Mathematics explain most phenomena around the world. They are very useful to understand our everyday life, but many of us fear them. Students should be able to apply…

Share strategies of active learning in collaborative wiki

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)

Teaching strategies that incorporate active learning mediated by tools and technologies. Integrate a wiki in which teachers from the university center participate and share their strategies that they…

There Must Be More Than Two Minerals in Jalisco

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (2 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)

In exploring Wikimedia Commons our group of earth scientists noted that in the page for Minerals of Jalisco there are only two photos, and both of them are…

Mexican Cinema Task Force

1 Taco2 Tacos3 Tacos4 Tacos5 Tacos (3 votes, average: 4.33 out of 5)

  Goals To standardize articles related to Mexican cinema in Wikipedia To improve Wikipedia coverage of Mexican cinema by adding, expanding and improving film articles To provide the…