[Miscellaneous] What does the metaphor of a mural suggestion to you?
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We’ve chosen murals as a metaphor for this project; they represent creativity and expression, especially in Mexican culture. But what comes to mind in applying this metaphor to teaching and learning?
CogDog 1:00 am on January 20, 2018 Permalink |
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We hope you have an answer.
@csemipresencial 3:21 pm on February 22, 2018 Permalink |
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Es una herramienta visual de comunicación que integra otros recursos, dónde manifiestas tu identidad, personalidad, didáctica pero sobre todo dónde plasmas un collage de recursos y dinámicas para guiar un proceso cognitivo centrado en el estudiante.
It is a visual communication tool that integrates other resources, where you manifest your identity, personality, didactic, where you create a collage of resources and dynamics to guide a cognitive process centered on the student.
Ignacio Robles 12:40 pm on February 24, 2018 Permalink |
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Mural I interpret it as defining specific type activities by designing
Laura Aguilar 8:18 pm on February 23, 2018 Permalink |
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A mural is a space that allows me to be creative, and also appreciate what others create =)
Irene Cossio 4:02 pm on February 24, 2018 Permalink |
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un mural, es creatividad, pero en libertad; un mural no tiene reglas permite expresar libremente ideas, sentimientos, teoria, etc
y el ver un mural me permite interpretar libremente lo que siento, veo o pienso
Benjamin G. Lucas 10:25 pm on February 24, 2018 Permalink |
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It si like a big window/place/wall to use and share
Romy Hernandez 6:57 pm on February 26, 2018 Permalink |
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It is a wide space in which I can express ideas, emotions and share it, both to create it and for others to contribute new visions.
Patricia Sánchez Rosario 7:57 pm on February 26, 2018 Permalink |
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Expresar de manera divertida y gráfica todo lo relacionado a la enseñanza centrada en el alumno.
Fabiola de Santos Ávila 7:15 pm on February 27, 2018 Permalink |
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“Mural” makes me think about art, creativity and free expression of ideas and feelings. It is an open space to express and share.
Natividad Ahumada Rodriguez 3:28 am on February 22, 2018 Permalink |
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Que podemos llenar nuestra practica docente de un sin número de herramientas de cualquier idioma o país, y que tenemos matices en la enseñanza y aprendizaje, estilos de aprendizaje, ambientes de aprendizaje, etc.
Griselda Aréchiga Guzmán 6:22 am on February 22, 2018 Permalink |
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Un “mural” para mí es plasmar en un solo lugar y con el uso de todas las herramientas y conocimientos al alcance un tema. Se requiere de ingenio, trabajo colaborativo y sobre todo MUCHAAAAAA creatividad 🙌🏼!!!!
Aristóteles Dávila 10:00 pm on February 22, 2018 Permalink |
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Mural represent to me a way to express art, and i believe we wil express here the way we aply the art of teaching!!!
CogDog 10:29 pm on February 24, 2018 Permalink |
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We are enjoying your responses here.
I’m wondering though about a key aspect of many murals (thinking especially of street art or building murals) is that they are in a public space, for all to enjoy. And in a civil society we respect the artist by not erasing or marking it up.
Javier Cruz González 4:39 pm on February 27, 2018 Permalink |
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I gives me the idea of having something to share in the openness to the critic eyes of everyone of the participants. Doing something and receiving feedback is a great way to improve what we do.
Teresa Campos Pérez 6:03 pm on February 27, 2018 Permalink |
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Hi Melanie, for my mural is a place where you can express ideas without limits.
Guadalupe Teresa Limón Toledo 9:11 pm on February 28, 2018 Permalink |
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Un mural es una herramienta de apoyo, muy gráfica y esquemática que nos sirve como auxiliar para el cuerpo dicente y los alumnos. para mki un muiral se define como una imagen o pintura plasmada en una superficie plana, a lo cual denominamos muro, en el que plasmamos una especia de historia o relato que cristalize todo aquello que el muralista quiere expresar
Lilia Gomez 3:29 am on March 3, 2018 Permalink |
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Un mural puede ser una obra de arte a la vista de todos. Así la enseñanza aprendizaje, enfocada y guiada puede dar como resultado Un mejor alumno nuestra obra de arte.
A mural can be a work of art for all to see. Thus the teaching, focused and guided can result in a better student our work of art.
Katia MV 3:27 am on March 4, 2018 Permalink |
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Hola Melanie. Sin duda el mural es una excelente herramienta que permite mostrar de forma gráfica y con textos relevantes un tema, además el trabajo colaborativo se fortalece, la creatividad se desarrolla y la participación es activa. Me parece excelente usar la metáfora de mural para este proyecto
Laura 5:37 pm on March 4, 2018 Permalink |
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Un mural es una manera de expresar ideas y conceptos en donde todos los participantes puedan ver y analizar los resultados de los dfemás, una manera de compartir la experiencia educativa y los objetivos logrados. Es hacer arte en una pared¡¡
Obdulia Alcalá 4:26 am on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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Hi Tannis.It would be nice to see you again and share experiences with other teachers.
Obdulia Alcalá 4:33 am on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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A big space physical or virtual where we can shareadgetinformation. In our case related to teaching.
Neri González 4:52 am on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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A mural is a creative space to inform or make known something, with innovative resources, simple and easy to understand. In digital media I think the application of interactive multimedia resources is bette
Angelina Vallin 3:47 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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“Mural” representa para mí un espacio para comunicar con libertad nuevas de ideas, un espacio para ser creativos y proponer nuevas formas de enseñar.
Sarahi Quintero 4:05 pm on March 5, 2018 Permalink |
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For me, a mural is an open place where creativity takes over, with this, I mean there are no boundaries, it’s place for all the ideas