Based on what you heard today, what are 3 criteria that you feel are important for a successful open pedagogy project?
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Rosalinda Torres 11:21 pm on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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El primero sería la apertura y confianza de las personas, seguido de compartir ideas y recursos y finalmente la práctica reflexiva.
Rosario Ruiz 4:14 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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It is about building an open pedagogy course, in which the participants presented a result of the learning following the Critical Pedagogy asking the students to work outside their comfort zone; starting within their comfort zone and then forcing them to leave that area by asking them to generate other strategies to “expand” their learning, sharing them as teaching for others located in other regions and even cities. The meaning is to share knowledge. It is extremely interesting and exciting
Laura 5:46 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Due to the nature of my courses, I believe that the most important criteria are reflective practice, learner generated and participatory technology, although I do not discard several of the other criteria, such as sharing ideas and resources and, of course, creativity.
Aristóteles Dávila 11:58 pm on March 6, 2018 Permalink |
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More than a criteria must be an reference the use of the Eight attributes used in the Open Pedagogy, of course blended with a practical framework that contibutes to keep the quality into the development in this application.
At the end the “open” concept doesn’t mean that you do what you want, it meant, i think, that we must be open to a new way to teach
Jose Luis 12:08 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I think that the most important are the following: participatory technology, sharing ideas & resources, and innovation an creativity. Thank you!
Ignacio Robles 12:16 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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To my mind, trust, innovation and creativity, generating learning and producing activities that contribute to our disciplines
Gaby Limón 1:46 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I think creativity is te most important criteria in OER. I also believe it should encourage the students to use all kinds of technology resources, and finally I think it would be very helpful if it is fun and entertaining
Agustin Martinez 1:57 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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In order for open education to be successful, innovation and creativity are important, only that way it could be distinguished from other options. From my point of view, it is remarkable that open education keeps communities connected and sharing ideas.
Diego Ramos 2:23 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I believe that the three things that must be in any community, whatever it may be, for a successful open pedagogy is: 1) Disposition, 2) Creativity and 3) a minimum of tools, namely technology.
With respect to point one; I consider that overcoming fear and / or dogma is the step to disposition, for point two; Allow the student to build, and the teacher only accompany him (Today I had an incredible experience, to feel like a student and that with my trial and error, I learned many things that I never thought to have them and, the above allowed me to imagine many possibilities for classes), for point 3); to count not only on technology, but also to know how to use applications, programs, etc.
As told by some historians of Archimedes, who said: “Give me a foothold and I will move the world”, I believe that open pedagogy is the lever to move the world.
Regards !!
Marlon Omar Navarro Torres 2:25 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I believe that the three things that must be in any community, whatever it may be, for a successful open pedagogy is: 1) Disposition, 2) Creativity and 3) a minimum of tools, namely technology.
With respect to point one; I consider that overcoming fear and / or dogma is the step to disposition, for point two; Allow the student to build, and the teacher only accompany him (Today I had an incredible experience, to feel like a student and that with my trial and error, I learned many things that I never thought to have them and, the above allowed me to imagine many possibilities for classes), for point 3); to count not only on technology, but also to know how to use applications, programs, etc.
As told by some historians of Archimedes, who said: “Give me a foothold and I will move the world”, I believe that open pedagogy is the lever to move the world.
Regards !!
It was published under the name of Pedro Ramos, however it is a contribution from his server.
Marlo Navarro
Karina Rodriguez 12:40 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Could I know what was your way of experiencing creativity (student instead of teacher)?
Neri González 3:02 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I think the most important ones are Participatory Technology, Innovation & Creativity, Reflective Practice and Peer Review.
Emilio Cruz 3:11 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I believe creativity and innovation, collaboration, and disposition are the top criteria. It is not just to put your materials in the open, but your willingness to follow through with feedback, questions, etc., as well as keep your materials up to date. Another point that may not be obvious, is the language of the contributions, since open shoud be about reaching as much people as possible.
Patricia Sánchez Rosario 3:25 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Considero que lo más importante es, primero la apertura y confianza de las personas, en segundo lugar la comunidad conectada y por supuesto en tercer lugar la tecnología participativa.
Teresa Limon 3:28 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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It is a reality that students spend most of their free time in websides, so, we should use that special interest in teaching. Open pedagogy give us the oportunity of inoviating , doing teaching fluid/active/dinamic.
Now academics and students use the same lenguage: participatory technology.
Maria Eugenia Mendez 4:03 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Based on what I heard today, I think that: Content, Creativity and accessibility are 3 criteria that I feel are important for a successful open pedagogy project, but I am sure that the criteria should change according the type of proyect or type of goals to achieve.
Iris Pérez 4:07 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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More than just considering 3 criteria, I would like to highlight two characteristics that I consider important in open pedagogy. First we must emphasize that this approach considers the active participation of students, for which it’s necessary to keep them motivated implementing creative and innovative strategies, using participatory technology to generate results that allow sharing ideas and experiences, achieving the trust of the people involved in the project.
Another feature that I found very interesting is that the open pedagogy seeks that students apply what they learned in the classroom in real-world situations, which allows them to achieve effective learning and relate to the community.
Eduardo Quintana 4:26 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Me ha quedado más claro que la Pedagogía hay que concebirla como acción significativa donde el rol del docente se transforma de manera acelerada ya que deja de ser la única fuente del aprendizaje. Eso puede doler en el “ego” del docente, pero se debe cambiar de perspectiva ya que bajo lo que hoy se desarrolló, debemos de transforman nuestra percepción de la docencia a fin de tener la humildad suficiente para invitar a los alumnos a a dar forma a la clase, a ser protagonistas de su propio conocimiento. A nosotros corresponde no sólo utilizar los 8 atributos de la “Pedagogía Abierta” sino ir más allá y generar nuestros propios atributos pedagógicos que previamente se aprueben por todos los participantes de los cursos., como pidió Potter. Otro punto importantes es que hay que perder el miedo y convencerse que hay que ir más allá de la aula, y más allá del ámbito local, pues hay que cambiar para algo mejor, a riesgo de equivocarse o llegar al “confucionismo”. Pero ese cambio se deberá realizar con colaboración con la participación de pares allende el ámbito tradicional en que inercialmente nos movemos de manera tradicional o cotidiana. Como soy muy lento y necesito convencerme de cada uno de los 8 atributos de ls “Open Pedagogy”, necesito experimentar con todos para identificar los alcances y limites, por ello se los expondré a todos mis alumnos en las clases de la próxima semana para ver que modificamos de los criterios de evaluación así como de participación más dinámica en lo que resta del curso. Así que que después del 17 de este mes mandaré los comentarios generales de todos ellos. Lo mejor y más importante es que ellos hablen, y que acordemos entre todos cómo deberemos cambiar de “ya” para beneficio de ellos mismos y de la mismo programa académico de filosofía.
Eduardo Quintana 4:39 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Hay algunos errores que rompen el sentido de lo que quise decir, con eso de que brican palabras. Por ello aclaro que lo que quise decir al final, es que la próxima semana les expondré los contendidos generales del curso a todos mis alumnos para que entre todos reconsideremos los criterios de evaluación para modificar todo lo necesario para que de dicidan considerando los 8 atributos de la “Open Pedagogy” así que después mandaré las opiniones de ellos y si llegamos a nuevos acuerdos. Finalmente omití en el primer texto, que les doy la todos los grupos, las bases de trabajo en comunidad, como propone la comunidad maya-tojolabal; pero esa es otra historia.
Javier Cruz 4:26 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Something that I learned today is that, first of all, we need to go out of our comfort zone overcoming our own resistance to go beyond traditional teaching models; overcoming students’ resistance to perform open activities in which they recognize the value of the knowledge they have achieved that is also worthy to be shared. Looking for new valuable information even in a foreign language and promoting critical thinking based on experiential learning, being always open to ask for objective feedback, and finally, never losing the oportunity to learn from our students as well.
TERESA CAMPOS 4:40 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I think that one of the most important things for open padagogy is learning generatig and inovation & creativity as a part of our learn as a teacher then as students, We need to take the iniciative to create new thinks and share it in a public space, this session was very helpful with Maha and Robin experience’s, and hypothes tool was very interesting how we can colaborate with others teachers around the world with diferents points of views =)
@csemipresencial 4:54 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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The criteria for sucessful open technologies i think are: clear goals, honest with resourses, have. A leader whi knows master plan and creative thinking collaborative learning could be the first step for develpmnt of other activitiez,
Faviola Castillo 4:54 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Clear objectives and instructional design are the most important criteria to be successful in an open pedagogy project. But also it needs to be proactive and allow to explore deeper into learning. So that’s four criteria that I believe are important for success. Not to mention it needs to be accessible.
Rosa Rosales 4:57 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I consider the importance of open pedagogy, first knowledge is a shared resource, second students can create knowledge and third assess the quality of open resources because not everything that is done is interesting.
Romy Florencia Hernández Pérez 5:39 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I think the most important thing is the creation of content that contributes something to the students, the ability to innovate and form networks that allow us to expand the form and substance of our contributions and, finally, confidence in our work as teachers.
Lilia Gomez 5:56 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Un proyecto debe contener tecnología participativa que genere contenido, el cual sea reflexivo y se pueda compartir recursos e ideas.
Diego Ramos 6:21 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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The three most important are: Participatory tecnology, innovación & creativity and sharing ideas & resources.
Daniel Rosas 6:31 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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The exchange of information, the connection and the application of ideas and participatory technology
Irene Cossio 12:34 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Calidad, accesible y creatividad!!!!
Me encanto este tema
María del Rocío Carranza Alcántar 12:44 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I consider that the most important criteria begin with the impulse in collaborative learning that can be implemented through open pedagogy, since it reorients an opportunity to work with others. I also believe that instructional design is fundamental for this type of education to be successful, since it represents clear and precise instruction regarding what should be done to achieve successful learning. Finally the active creation of resources and places for learning.
María del Rocío Carranza Alcántar
Karina Rodriguez 1:13 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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In my opinion, a successful open pedagogy project should consider as main objectives attributes:
(2) People, Openness, Trust
(3) Innovation and Creativity
(4) Learner-Generated
Cristina CUCBA 2:00 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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The most important are the shared creativity, reflective practices and technology
Gaby 3:12 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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Considero importantes la creatividad, la disposición y apertura y la calidad. Me parece que todos los procesos deben de cumplir sobre todo con el primero y el último, así las actividades de Educación Abierta se vuelven divertidas e interesantes y además con mejores resultados.
Sarahi Quintero 3:34 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I think that some important criteria of open pedagogy is that it is peer reviewed, which for me means that you are able to share and get feedback from other collegues. It’s also important that it gives space to creativity and sharing ideas
Miriam Susana Medina L. 5:58 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I could write for me the three things more importante are the innovation, creativity and collaboration …
Sara 6:11 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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La educacion ha dado un giro muy importante actualmente, por lo tanto consideró al igual que otros compañeros que ya comentaron, un aspecto fundamental es la creatividad, el compromiso y apertura a trabajar con nuevas herramientas además de tener conocimientos básicos del tema a tratar por supuesto.
No obstante, el mismo uso de la tecnología ahora nos permite conocer acerca de lo desconocido..
Lotzy Beatriz Fonseca Chiu 11:26 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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En este tipo de pedagogía debe existir, interacción, acceso a la información, diversidad de métodos y herramientas, apertura, trabajo en red.
Omar 11:47 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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the field of Open Pedagogy is a common space that we access from our first steps in agora and that today comes to offer us new tools to provide our students, in a framework of openness in the use and access to resources that tend to generate and build learnings
Omar 11:52 pm on March 7, 2018 Permalink |
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I think that innovation, creativity, but very important teacher follow-up and commitment
Guille Lopez 11:38 pm on March 8, 2018 Permalink |
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Diego Ramos 12:21 am on March 7, 2018 Permalink | Reply
The three most important are: Participatory tecnology, innovación & creativity and sharing ideas & resources.. in the first publication I add the name of Diego ramos but I’m guille lopez
Laura Aguilar 7:54 pm on March 10, 2018 Permalink |
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El misterio de Diego Ramos en Contestar jeje. A varios nos pasó .
Respecto a los criterios de pedagogía abierta, coincido totalmente contigo, Guille.